
About Us


Embracing the Winds of Change
If any thought could be etched into the minds of every patriotic Malaysian, it should be this one, by a great Asian leader. And if there could be an event that sparked the transformation of the Malaysian economy, it would undoubtedly be the day Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) was created.

Incorporated on March 17, 1978, PNB was conceived as a pivotal instrument of the Government's New Economic Policy to promote share ownership in the corporate sector among the Bumiputera, and develop opportunities for suitable Bumiputera professionals to participate in the creation and management of wealth.

Prior to the establishment of PNB, efforts to increase Bumiputera ownership in the corporate sector were not sufficient as shares allocated to individuals were seldom retained. Research indicated that when Bumiputera shareholders sold their shares, the profits generated were consumed and not reinvested.

Through PNB, substantial shares acquired in major Malaysian corporations from funds provided by Yayasan Pelaburan Bumiputra or Bumiputra Investment Foundation were transferred to a trust fund and sold to the Bumiputera in the form of smaller units. By employing this innovative investment model, PNB ensures that these shares are retained, resulting in the cultivation of widespread savings habits, and development of entrepreneurship and investment skills of Bumiputera.

With fund under management totaling about RM150 billion, the PNB Group is the country's leading investment institution with a diversified portfolio of interests that include unit trusts, institution property trust, property management and asset management.

Our Establish Group
